Thursday, 11 April 2019


Hello welcome back to my blog today we're going to be talking about Jump Jam. So as of now we are going to have Brent Fairweather at school tomorrow. If you don't know who he is he's one of the main guys on the Jump Jam videos. So currently for about half an hour he'll be at our school in the hall! We will probably be doing Jump Jam and asking some questions. The school did a quick practise at singing last week it went pretty well.


Friday, 5 April 2019

Storm Hits Gisborne NZ

 Hello welcome to my blog today i'm to talk about the storm that hit Gisborne. Unfortunately a storm hit Gisborne this week and effected some of our stuff like practicing our tsunami walk, school picnic and for our math strand we had to run out in a drizzle puting 5 white boards around the school. So yeah also it wasn't everyone in moana 2 and 3 but it did affect some. At home I could hear rain pouring down on the house and most days the grounds usually wet and soggy.

Image result for rain storm gisborne