Thursday, 21 November 2019

Kapa Haka 2019!

Kapa Haka

 Wainui Beach School goes to the kapa Haka festival every year. We went on Wednesday 20th Nov. Not to brag or anything but as we Marched on to the stage our fans cheered as we slowly stood in  stepuniform... "Tu mai ra, nga tamariki!" Hunter slowly sung and ever so gently stepped forward one after another. We Knelt  down in a triangle formation as we all sung Te Kura O Wainui. Then front and second row went back into the middle at the front of  the rows where the boys

Squished into a small square we sung Haramai a Paoa followed by going back to our original spots on the stage. Then we sung Ka pioioi, Puria Nei And finally Utaina. The boys forward and the opposite for the girls to transition into the boys haka... "Kia mau!" Hunter shouted and all the boys got ready for their second haka the wainui haka. Once the Wainui haka was finished we got ready for our last haka Ka mate Ka mate.

"Ringa ringa pakia... Waewae takahia... " Hunter shouted and we started to do ka mate ka mate. After a great but fast haka the crowed applauded! After the haka we sung wainui e  then the girls marched forward. Finally we sung He honore to finish our kapa haka performance.

Once the performance finished I felt accomplished of what I've done...