Thursday, 5 December 2019

Term 4 Reflection

Term four was a great last term at Wainui Beach School! We had Kapa Haka, Athletics, Inter-school Athletics and Culture City.  I think I would ask almost anyone at Wainui Beach School and they'd agree with me, that term four was an awesome term! For me, my favourite part of this term was Inter-school athletics, mainly because I was doing my favourite sport, High jump and that I came third out of all of Gisborne for my age. Athletics was fun doing high jump, long jump, sprints, ball throw and 200 meter sprints. 

The next event I'm going to be talking about is the Aurora program.I was lucky enough to be selected for the Aurora program. Only a few people were selected those people were Hunter, Charlie, Rylan and I . When I was there we got to go on the Waka Hourua and sail out to the middle of the bay. While we were on the boat the crew showed us how to bring the sails down, how to steer the boat with the rudder. I got to talk over the radio with the coast guards telling them when we started our trip and ending our trip.

 We went to the Aurora program twice, which I didn't know about until 4 days before it happened. The second time at the Aurora program we created an AR world showing what we saw on the trip. It was fun having the crew showing how to navigate by the stars, seeing the different parts of the waka and seeing how the waka worked! I won't really talk about kapa haka because I have a link to my kapa haka blog post that I made a couple weeks ago. It  was fun doing all these events in one term. 

Over all I think term 4 was a great term Wainui Beach School.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Marae trip 2019

The 12th of April 2019 We arrived at Te Poho o Rawiri our schools marae. We slept there for the night around about 9:am we had our powhiri to get welcomed on by the tangata whenua to the marae. As we sung some songs and they sung back and eventually the powhiri was finished.

Then we started doing rotations my groups first rotation was Kowhaiwhai/tukutuku panels basicly cutting out maori patterns and gluing them on to a long roll of paper. Our next rotation was playing maori games with koka Ngaire then we a lunch break . That's when we got told we were walking up kaiti hill when we got to the top of kaiti hill it was great to relax for a while.

 Around 7:pm we got our beds setup  then we had a kapa haka assembly type thing then had we had a rest and went to sleep. Day 2. I woke up tired but awake we got our bags and gear ready to leave then we ran and played games outside on the court. Breakfast came we formed two lines then people started to get sent off to have breakfast we had a choice of  spaghetti on toast or weet-bix some teachers went around apples and we milo.

Our first rotation on day two was playing hand-ball for a while. After that we weaved some flax with matua Nic we had morning tea we lined up our bags and stuff played around for a bit. Finally the bus came to pick us up and go back to school.