Wednesday 21 August 2019

Cross country time!

So today we had cross country and it was fun. We started off walking to the track when we got there it wasn't long until the year six girls were called out the girls were about half way thru then the year six boys got called out which is the year group i'm in so I walked up to the starting line and 3... 2... 1... Clap!

All the boys started running I was around the front we ran on to the side of the road. Ran through a small line of pillars and completed a quarter of the track. Ran around to about half way in the track. By then I already had a stitch I ran over to a small car park up a small hill and down the dip up the hill and around I quickly ran over to the finish line and had another lap to run It was then when I felt a pain in my knee.

A quarter of the way through the pain went away the second lap went normally. Run through a small fence of pillars up the hill down the dip around and back and then finally I crossed the finish line get to walk finally was very relieving. 

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Quick write #1

Every week we do four or less quick writes about various things. Our first quick write this week is a base sentence and we have to write six different base sentences.

Friday 9 August 2019


Every week we have about six words to find the meaning of  this week we had congregation, constellations, criminal, charming and chatting. Here is my vocab.