Thursday, 5 December 2019

Term 4 Reflection

Term four was a great last term at Wainui Beach School! We had Kapa Haka, Athletics, Inter-school Athletics and Culture City.  I think I would ask almost anyone at Wainui Beach School and they'd agree with me, that term four was an awesome term! For me, my favourite part of this term was Inter-school athletics, mainly because I was doing my favourite sport, High jump and that I came third out of all of Gisborne for my age. Athletics was fun doing high jump, long jump, sprints, ball throw and 200 meter sprints. 

The next event I'm going to be talking about is the Aurora program.I was lucky enough to be selected for the Aurora program. Only a few people were selected those people were Hunter, Charlie, Rylan and I . When I was there we got to go on the Waka Hourua and sail out to the middle of the bay. While we were on the boat the crew showed us how to bring the sails down, how to steer the boat with the rudder. I got to talk over the radio with the coast guards telling them when we started our trip and ending our trip.

 We went to the Aurora program twice, which I didn't know about until 4 days before it happened. The second time at the Aurora program we created an AR world showing what we saw on the trip. It was fun having the crew showing how to navigate by the stars, seeing the different parts of the waka and seeing how the waka worked! I won't really talk about kapa haka because I have a link to my kapa haka blog post that I made a couple weeks ago. It  was fun doing all these events in one term. 

Over all I think term 4 was a great term Wainui Beach School.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Marae trip 2019

The 12th of April 2019 We arrived at Te Poho o Rawiri our schools marae. We slept there for the night around about 9:am we had our powhiri to get welcomed on by the tangata whenua to the marae. As we sung some songs and they sung back and eventually the powhiri was finished.

Then we started doing rotations my groups first rotation was Kowhaiwhai/tukutuku panels basicly cutting out maori patterns and gluing them on to a long roll of paper. Our next rotation was playing maori games with koka Ngaire then we a lunch break . That's when we got told we were walking up kaiti hill when we got to the top of kaiti hill it was great to relax for a while.

 Around 7:pm we got our beds setup  then we had a kapa haka assembly type thing then had we had a rest and went to sleep. Day 2. I woke up tired but awake we got our bags and gear ready to leave then we ran and played games outside on the court. Breakfast came we formed two lines then people started to get sent off to have breakfast we had a choice of  spaghetti on toast or weet-bix some teachers went around apples and we milo.

Our first rotation on day two was playing hand-ball for a while. After that we weaved some flax with matua Nic we had morning tea we lined up our bags and stuff played around for a bit. Finally the bus came to pick us up and go back to school.   

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Kapa Haka 2019!

Kapa Haka

 Wainui Beach School goes to the kapa Haka festival every year. We went on Wednesday 20th Nov. Not to brag or anything but as we Marched on to the stage our fans cheered as we slowly stood in  stepuniform... "Tu mai ra, nga tamariki!" Hunter slowly sung and ever so gently stepped forward one after another. We Knelt  down in a triangle formation as we all sung Te Kura O Wainui. Then front and second row went back into the middle at the front of  the rows where the boys

Squished into a small square we sung Haramai a Paoa followed by going back to our original spots on the stage. Then we sung Ka pioioi, Puria Nei And finally Utaina. The boys forward and the opposite for the girls to transition into the boys haka... "Kia mau!" Hunter shouted and all the boys got ready for their second haka the wainui haka. Once the Wainui haka was finished we got ready for our last haka Ka mate Ka mate.

"Ringa ringa pakia... Waewae takahia... " Hunter shouted and we started to do ka mate ka mate. After a great but fast haka the crowed applauded! After the haka we sung wainui e  then the girls marched forward. Finally we sung He honore to finish our kapa haka performance.

Once the performance finished I felt accomplished of what I've done...

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Cross country time!

So today we had cross country and it was fun. We started off walking to the track when we got there it wasn't long until the year six girls were called out the girls were about half way thru then the year six boys got called out which is the year group i'm in so I walked up to the starting line and 3... 2... 1... Clap!

All the boys started running I was around the front we ran on to the side of the road. Ran through a small line of pillars and completed a quarter of the track. Ran around to about half way in the track. By then I already had a stitch I ran over to a small car park up a small hill and down the dip up the hill and around I quickly ran over to the finish line and had another lap to run It was then when I felt a pain in my knee.

A quarter of the way through the pain went away the second lap went normally. Run through a small fence of pillars up the hill down the dip around and back and then finally I crossed the finish line get to walk finally was very relieving. 

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Quick write #1

Every week we do four or less quick writes about various things. Our first quick write this week is a base sentence and we have to write six different base sentences.

Friday, 9 August 2019


Every week we have about six words to find the meaning of  this week we had congregation, constellations, criminal, charming and chatting. Here is my vocab.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Term 2 reflection

Term 2 was great term with our retro tech focus and going to Museum of Technology! Hockey, E  village, soccer, Play Based Learning and just general learning! 

I'd say my favorite activities were... Art on Fridays, hockey, PBL and Tinker lab. Term 2 I'd say was the best term so far this year probably because we've only gone through 2 terms. I've enjoyed playing hockey on Wednesdays and Tuesdays. Also the shine cards amazingness is just enough to make the palms of my hands sweat and the excitement of seeing what house got the most shine cards during the week and term!

 I hope it gets better next term!

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

How long?

Hello today i'm going to show you a bit of my math enjoy!

So on Thursday 30 May 2019 I finally got back to school after being sick for three days and  anyway we did our math strand. Hone Eats Breakfast 105 minutes each week 7 days a week 105 divided by 7 = 15 minutes! After that we have to do hone's time brushing his teeth getting dressed and traveling to school. I'm a bit behind on my work because like I said earlier I've been sick for three days so most of the group were outside doing a screencastify on their learning.

Here is a photo of my maths  


This week MLH has been learning about Stonehenge, Maeshowe and Newgrange but i'm going to be talking about stonehenge and sharing some facts with you. First is that stonehenge was built around about 2000 - 3000 BC but a good prediction is 3001 BC. The biggest of the stonehenge stones called Sardines are up to 30 feet tall ( 9 meters) tall and weigh 25 tons (22.6 metric tons) on average. It's also widely believed the stones were brought in from Marlborough downs, which is 20 miles (34 kilometers) to the north. Stonehenge around the bottom of the UK at salisbury.

Stonehenge is one of the most famous places in the world and one of the most shrouded in mystery. Like how the stones got there to why it was made maybe we'll never know  

Thursday, 23 May 2019


Hello! This week we didn't do anything super fun anyway i'm going to talk about our maths this week! So I personally find this type math very easy! But not to easy it still takes me a little bit of time to figure it out. currently the people in my group are Chester, Carlos (me), Chase, Mac, Maria, Jolie, Chanelle and Avie we are currently separated into two groups Mac, Maria, And Jolie then me Chester, Chase, Avie and Chanelle.

Koka Ngaire is the teacher of our group! So far we've been doing this type of math for about a week or two. Lately we've been breaking a code the start of it is  is "what happens to bicycles" and the answer is "they get recycled" not so amazing but at least we broke the code! 

Friday, 17 May 2019

Wheels day!

So at Friday 10th May 2019 Moana learning hub (MLH) had a wheels day! There was two groups the bikers and the Skaters I personally biked.

What we did?

The plan is to go in a single file line the bikers go in front and the skaters go at the back in a single file line. Luckily it all worked out we had one break for the skaters to catch up. I didn't mention we were going to four pou which has a connection to Koka Terri my teacher and her family.

The trip

"Come on" Koka Terri shouted as me and the other bikers slowly started walking our bikes out of the school and onto the side of the road Terri leading the kids and we all hopped on our bikes and head off. Slowly we started biking it was the average bike ride through wainui we went past the wainui beach store and we were on the cycling road! Quickly we pick up speed then gaps started forming and then people started cutting and it got pretty annoying the line got long but luckily we had a quick stop waited for the skaters and went to the poe.

The end

Finally we got to the pou  sat down Koka Terri  told us us about the markings on them and what they mean and how there family got som
e land on top of Kaiti hill. Got back to Wainui beach store crossed the road in fives and getting back to school was easy you didn't need to peddle fast and well you went fast we peddled a lot we were all pushing our bikes to there limits we could all hear our bikes going reeeeeee anyway we made it to school and the day was over!

Thursday, 11 April 2019


Hello welcome back to my blog today we're going to be talking about Jump Jam. So as of now we are going to have Brent Fairweather at school tomorrow. If you don't know who he is he's one of the main guys on the Jump Jam videos. So currently for about half an hour he'll be at our school in the hall! We will probably be doing Jump Jam and asking some questions. The school did a quick practise at singing last week it went pretty well.


Friday, 5 April 2019

Storm Hits Gisborne NZ

 Hello welcome to my blog today i'm to talk about the storm that hit Gisborne. Unfortunately a storm hit Gisborne this week and effected some of our stuff like practicing our tsunami walk, school picnic and for our math strand we had to run out in a drizzle puting 5 white boards around the school. So yeah also it wasn't everyone in moana 2 and 3 but it did affect some. At home I could hear rain pouring down on the house and most days the grounds usually wet and soggy.

Image result for rain storm gisborne

Friday, 22 March 2019

Camp Kaitawa 2019

Every year the year sixs get to go on camp and this year i'm a year six. this photo is from Panekire bluff on day three we stayed a week at camp too i'll quickly tell you what we did.
 Day: 1 we got on the bus at school and 3 hrs later got of the bus. Later that day we did our first walk. Day: 2 most boys had to run THE PIPELINE we packed our bags got on the bus and went to our second walk 1 hour later we made it to the end of the track and had a swim there we got changed and back we also saw a huge waterfall.
 Day: 3 Packed our bags filled our water bottle got on the bus and got dropped off at Panekire we saw some great views going up Panekire we took some photos had lunch and went back down.
Day: 4 bags packed  on the bus Giant Rata walk we saw weird mushrooms but was not long until we were there at the Giant Rata we all had cookies took photos and left later we went to the Onepoto caves we went under and around rocks and then we made it to the  caves we were the third group to in any every group went and we headed back also tonight was a Talent quest a camp. 
Day: 5 we packed all our bags put them on  the bus and left Camp Kaitawa  

Thursday, 14 February 2019

It's 2019

Sorry i'm a bit late but it's 2019 happy new year. I'm now a year 6